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Project Flyers
Health Care Brochures
Disclaimer: All information provided in the following flyers are posted for educational purposes only; it is not meant to be used as treatment or medical advice. For any advice, diagnosis, and treatment consult your personal physician.
Diabetes | Hepatitis A | Hepatitis B | Hepatitis C |
Hepatitis D | Hepatitis E | Personal Hygiene | Ring Worm |
Scabies | Eczema | Tuberculosis | Malaria |
HIV/AIDS | Syphilis | Chlamydia | Gonorrhea |
Children's Health Care Brochures
Disclaimer: All information provided in the following flyers are posted for educational purposes only; it is not meant to be used as treatment or medical advice. For any advice, diagnosis, and treatment consult your personal physician.
Vaccines for Children | Myths about vaccinations | BCG Vaccine | Polio Vaccine |
Hepatitis A Vaccine | Hepatitis B Vaccine | Measles Vaccine | DPT Vaccine |
Chicken pox | Typhoid Vaccine | HIB Meningitis Vaccine | MMR Vaccine |