Never Miss Laylat Al-Qadr
Automate Your Donations During The Last 10 Nights MyTenNights - Donate Today!100% Zakat Donation Policy | Give With Confidence
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Set up Automatic Donations during the last 10 nights of Ramadan
Scheduling your donations is super easy – simply launch ‘My Ten Nights’ by clicking the Donate Now button above and get started. You can relax knowing that your donations will be made automatically, ensuring you don’t miss giving on the sacred Night of Power. Here are the three simple steps:
1. Choose Your Cause
2. Schedule your donations
3. Complete your transaction
The Night of Power.
The Qur’an describes this night as ‘better than a thousand months’ (Al-Qadr 97:3).What is Laylatul-Qadr?
Laylat-al-Qadr is considered to be the Holiest night in the Islamic calendar. This was the night when the first verses of the Holy Qur’an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), by Angel Jibrail. This night falls within the last 10 days of Ramadan, and although the exact date is unknown, it is widely believed to be the 27th day of the Holy month. This is a night of great remembrance and worship to Allah (SWT) and ranks higher than that of 1,000 months. Donating a small amount regularly in the final 10 nights of Ramadan is a great practice. By doing so, you’re guaranteed to hit Laylatul Qadr. Such a small deed can earn you big rewards
Acts of worship are rewarded immeasurably more and Muslims are encouraged to do as much good as they can. Fasting, praying, seeking repentance and charity are deeds that should be performed. “Whoever prays during the night of Qadr with faith and hoping for its reward will have all of his previous sins forgiven.” [Bukhari and Muslim] Automating your zakat payments and charity donations over the final nights of Ramadan allows you to focus on your prayers and connection with Allah (SWT), while maximising the blessings and rewards of your good deeds on these nights and the Night of Power.